How To Give Yourself A Face Massage – 10 Simple Steps

If you’ve ever treated yourself to a facial, you’re familiar with the remarkable natural glow that follows. What if we told you that you can achieve that youthful, radiant glow without spending on facial treatments? We’re talking about a lesser talked about skincare practice of face massage. 

{mukhabhyanga} or face massage with a rich facial oil or face cream is an ancient tradition in Indian and Asian culture that goes back centuries. Regular facial massages can help boost blood circulation, encourage lymphatic drainage and lift skin. From ancient times, massage has been used in Ayurveda as therapy for various ailments. {mukhabhyanga} , a specific type of facial massage, focuses on stimulating marma points—vital energy points on the face that are believed to balance the body’s energies, promote healing, and enhance overall well-being. This practice not only benefits the skin but also has relaxing effects on the nervous system, reducing anxiety and stress.

Did you know that our face consists of a total of 42 facial muscles? A face massage is an exercise for those muscles. How exercise benefits our body in numerous ways, a facial massage also helps us by relaxing the facial muscles and boosting blood circulation.

From ancient times, the concept of massage has been used as therapy for many different ailments in Ayurveda. Some people also practise Facial Yoga for similar benefits. 

Face massage not only helps your skin but also has relaxing effects on your nervous system. It also helps in reducing anxiety. After a stressful day at work, a facial massage with a suitable facial oil can be your go-to escape.

And the best part is that a face massage can be easily incorporated into your daily or weekly routines. It doesn't have to be expensive nor time-consuming. 

Let's now talk about how you can give yourself a face massage at home.

10 Face Massage Steps To Follow - Best Massage Technique

Before getting started, you must have the necessary requirements like a face serum or a face oil. It is essential to choose the right type of serum or oil-based on your skin type. 

Traditionally, Ayurvedic face massage is given with hands. However, you can choose to invest in jade rollers, metal rollers, Gua Sha, and other facial massage instruments if they suit you. Remember to clean your hands or your equipment before the massage to avoid acne or any breakouts. 

You can use many techniques to massage your face like stroking, kneading with your knuckles, moving in a circular motion, and vibration.

Opt for any of these techniques or use a combination of them for the best results. Throughout the massage, make sure that you don't press too hard. Keep applying gentle pressure evenly.

Step 1: Prepping the face for relaxing massage

  • Cleanse and Prep: Begin by washing your hands thoroughly. Secure your hair away from your face to ensure it doesn't interfere with the massage.
  • Face Cleansing: Use lukewarm water to wash your face. Gently pat it dry with a soft towel.
  • Optional - Steam: Consider steaming your face for a few minutes. This softens the pores and aids in the deeper absorption of oils.
  • Choose Your Facial Oil: Depending on your skin type, select a face serum or face oil. | Shop our bestselling Kumkumadi Oil
  • Conduct a patch test on your wrist to ensure no allergic reactions.
  • Application: Gently spread the chosen oil or serum across your face. Lightly tap your face with your fingertips to awaken the facial muscles.

Step 2 - Forehead Massage:

Position your index and middle fingers at the center of your forehead. Move them in circular motions, progressing towards your temples. Repeat 3-5 times.

Step 3 - Eye Area Massage:

With utmost care, use your ring finger to massage the delicate skin around your eyes. Start from the inner corner and move outwards, then glide upwards near the eyebrows. Repeat 3-5 times.

Step 4 - Cheek Massage:

Place your fingers near your nose and gently push upwards towards your cheekbones, moving outwards towards your ears. Ensure the motion is uplifting. Repeat 3-5 times.

Step 5 - Mouth and Lip Massage:

Form a 'V' with your index and middle fingers. Position them around your lips, with the index finger above and the middle finger below. Gently pull towards your ears.

Step 6 - Chin and Jawline Massage:

Starting from the middle of your chin, use your fingers to massage in an upward motion towards your jawline, ending near your ears.

Step 7 - Lymphatic Drainage:

Initiate from just beneath your earlobes, moving downwards along your neck, and culminating at your collarbone. This helps in detoxifying your skin.

Step 8 - Tap Acupressure Points:

Enhance relaxation by pressing specific facial acupressure points. Gently tap each point 5-10 times. You can find these acupressure points at -

- the center of your forehead,
- between your eyebrow,
- sides of your forehead near your temples,
- at the front of the tragus ( front side of the opening of the ear) of the ear,
- under the ear lobe,
- between your nose and upper lip region at the center,
- under your eyes,
- in the groove where your nostril connects your face.

Step 9 - Neck Massage:

Conclude by massaging your neck. Use vertical strokes, moving upwards from your collarbone towards your jawline.

Step 10 - Final Relaxation:

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and relax for a few moments to let the benefits of the massage sink in.You can easily incorporate this in your morning, evening, or bedtime skin care routine just for about 5- 10 min to feel more relaxed and calm.

Top 6 Benefits Of A Face Massage

Face massage can be easily done with minimum equipment or products at home, but if you wish, you can also choose to get a professional facial massage once or twice a month.
Here are some fantastic benefits that you can't miss out on.

1) Improved Blood Circulation & Lymphatic Drainage

Improved blood circulation is vital for our skin as it circulates nutrients and helps in detoxification. With facial massage, you improve circulation and allow the drainage of lymphatic nodes present on your face & neck regions that trap impurities.

2) Reduction Of Wrinkles

Facial massage helps delay the aging of your skin in multiple ways. It increases collagen production, which improves the elasticity of your skin, giving you a wrinkle-free look. Not many people are aware of this, but constant stress also leads to wrinkling of the skin. Facial massage helps with this by relaxing the facial muscles.

3) Tones Your Face

Aging can eventually make your face appear saggy as you lose the tightness of your skin. When facial muscles are not being stimulated, they lose firmness. Facial massage helps boost your facial muscles, give you firm jaw muscles, and enhance your face's tone and shape. Facial massage also helps reduce puffiness by draining the stagnant fluid trapped inside.

4) Facilitates Skin Repair

Collagen is generally required for skin growth and helps with skin elasticity & repair skin tissues. Collagen is synthesized in our body with the help of Vitamin C. However, to enhance its production for the skin, facial massage is helpful. The collagen will naturally help with restoring any damage in the skin.

5) Minimizes Pores and Acne

With proper facial hygiene and regular facial massage with suitable essential oils, some types of acne can be prevented. Large pores are the second most popular facial problems after acne. And some chronic acne can leave large pores on the skin even after the acne is gone. These large pores can be managed through enhanced collagen production, which occurs during face massage.

6) Relieves Discomforts Due To Sinus

Massaging specific acupressure points & certain regions around your nose can help with the mucus build-up release and give relief from the sinuses. Tapping particular pressure points on your face, for instance, at the center of your eyebrow (eyepoint), ends near the bridge of your nose, and your upper eyelids' inner side helps in relieving sinuses. You can eventually start to feel some sensation indicating the release of tension or mucus in that specific area with slight continuous gentle pressure.

 Read - How To Do A Natural Facial At Home – 6 Simple Steps

Which Oil Should You Use For A Face Massage?

Now let's talk about some oils, and you can choose based on your skin type. Choosing the right kind of face massage oil or serum can be a game-changer. Not all oils are suitable for a face massage. Depending upon your skin type dry, acne-prone, oily, it is necessary to choose the most appropriate oil to avoid breakouts, unwanted acne, or allergic skin reaction.

Here are our top recommendations for face massage oils -

1) Almond oil

If your skin type is dry, Almond oil is suitable for your skin as it helps to retain moisture of your skin. It is rich in vitamin E, which can help to repair skin damage. It also has good antibacterial and antifungal properties. The antibacterial property of almond oil can be used to treat acne and its antifungal property to help treat fungal skin issues.

It's also used for treating acute skin infections like eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis. It can help with reducing & lightening the dark under-eye patches. Not only this, its skin lightening effects can be effective for tan removal.

almond oil for face

Shop Kama Ayurveda Almond Oil

2) Moringa oil

Moringa oil is obtained from Moringa Oleifera, commonly known as the drumstick plant. For sensitive skin, Moringa oil can be used for face massage. It's highly used in various cosmetics & skincare products as it has incredible beneficial properties for the skin. It is popularly known for its anti-aging properties.

Moringa seed oil has rich protein content and has a high content of fatty acids like Oleic acid, which acts as an add-on barrier to your natural skin and protects against pollutants. It also has Zeatin, which promotes anti-aging by delaying aging and sagging of the skin. Zeatin helps in the growth of skin tissues at the cellular level. It also has properties like antimicrobial and is also rich in vitamin C that can boost collagen production.

moringa oil for face massage

Shop Kama Ayurveda Moringa Oil

3) Coconut oil 

Coconut oil is a versatile natural moisturizer, abundant in vitamin E, lauric acid, and other beneficial compounds. Its antifungal and antibacterial properties make it a popular choice for addressing skin conditions like eczema. The presence of fatty acids, such as linolenic acid, ensures skin retains its moisture.

For those with normal skin, coconut oil can be a boon. It hydrates, evens out skin texture, and can even alleviate skin damage and inflammation. However, its comedogenic nature means it can clog pores, especially in those with oily or acne-prone skin. If you're prone to breakouts or have large pores, it's wise to use coconut oil sparingly or consider other alternatives.

coconut oil for face massage

Shop Kama Ayurveda Coconut Oil

4. Kumkumadi Oil

Kumkumadi Thailam or Kumkumadi Oil complete Ayurvedic age-defying face oil, powered with Saffron for youthful & radiant skin. Enriched with Saffron, Indian Madder, Lotus and other natural-origin ingredient, this luscious fine oil is ideal for a face massage for youthful glowing skin. Apart from Kumkumadi Facial Oil, you can also use Amarrupa Facial Oil (firms skin) and Urjasara Facial Oil (strengthens skin barrier). 

FAQs About Face Massage Steps 

1. What is a face massage? 

Face massage is a technique that involves stimulating the facial muscles and skin using hands, tools, or electronic devices. It's designed to relax the facial muscles, increase blood circulation, and rejuvenate the skin.

2. Why is face massage important? 

Facial massage is essential for several reasons. It helps in lymphatic drainage, reducing puffiness and toxins. It also boosts blood circulation, which brings more oxygen to the skin, leading to a brighter complexion and improved skin health. Additionally, it can relieve tension in the facial muscles, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

3. How often should you massage your face? 

The frequency of face massage depends on individual preferences and skin types. However, most experts recommend massaging your face 2-3 times a week for optimal benefits. Over-massaging can lead to skin sensitivity, so it's essential to find a balance that works for your skin.

4. What are the disadvantages of face massage? 

While facial massage offers numerous benefits, it can have some disadvantages when done incorrectly. For starters, never massage your face while it’s dry. Make sure you have enough lubrication with a good oil like Kumkumadi Facial Oil (for glowing skin), Amarrupa Facial Oil (for firm skin), Urjasara Facial Oil (for hydrated, supple skin). Make sure not to overdo it since over-massaging can lead to skin sensitivity, breakouts, or even bruising. Using excessive pressure can damage the skin's surface. It's also essential to ensure that hands or tools are clean to prevent the spread of bacteria.

5. Is Daily Face Massage Good For Skin? 

While face massage can be beneficial, doing it daily might be excessive for some skin types. Overdoing it can lead to skin sensitivity or breakouts. In most cases, a gentle massage everyday for 5-10 minutes does no harm to your skin. In fact, it boosts circulation. However, it's best to listen to your skin and adjust the frequency based on its response.